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Articles tagged with: rezopole

Nouveau membre interconnecté sur LyonIX : One System

on Tuesday, 12 March 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Nouveau membre interconnecté sur LyonIX : One System

One System has joined the Lyon Internet eXchange Point, the LyonIX 2B rack. “In order to rapidly launch our DataCenter activity, we need to be connected to the LyonIX Internet Exchange Point to minimize our costs and secure our supply with a wide range of providers.Sandy LEONELLI, One System Manager explains.

About One System

Founded in 2008, One System is a global  Information & Technology providerwhich can help its clients in different infrastructure  sectors. One System is very active in the Rhone-Alpes region.

For more information:

Le Teldej n°12 à Lyon - 22 Mars 2013

on Thursday, 07 March 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Le Teldej n°12 à Lyon - 22 Mars 2013

The next Teldej will take place on 22 March 2013, in the "Le Plâto" restaurant, located in La Croix-Rousse, starting at 11.30 am. The programm consists on: a pre-lunch drink followed by Lasotel's presentation and a lunch. Register now!


Teldej 12 Registration

To participate in the Teldej event you have to be a Rezopole member (Gold membership); You can participate to the first Teldej for free. You can go to  the Membership form and find all informations about 2013 membership requirements.


About Lasotel

LASOTEL is an operator of infrastructures for companies and municipalities. A steady growth of the company knew an exponential development by 30 % in 2012. Currently, Lasotel has an optical fiber network of 150km across the Rhone-Alpes region and 15 Peering points in Europe for the backbone.

LASOTEL works with a resellers network to provide services such as:
- IP Transit
- Hosting in DataCenters
- VOIP phone
- DSL, optical fibers and hertzian links
- Multi-sites interconnections

For more information on Rezopole events, you can go to the Aperezo et Teldej pages.

Vidéo de l'Aperezo n° 19 organisé pour les 11 ans de Rezopole

on Wednesday, 06 March 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX, Archives SaintetIX, Archives ADN-IX

Vidéo de l'Aperezo n° 19 organisé pour les 11 ans de Rezopole

On 12 December 2012, Rezopole organized an Aperezo in the Sapristi brasserie to celebrate its 11th anniversary.

A video has been recorded during the event in order to present the Aperezo events organized by Rezopole: convivial place, many companies of the local and regional ICT sector, exchanges and networking between participants.



Rezopole aims to improve the Internet & Telecom services in the Rhone-Alpes region and organizes events regularly for the local companies:

Each type of events categorie has a target public and specific topics according to the professional profils of its members.

For more information about the Rezopole events, you can click here.


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Les RUGs reprennent

on Monday, 04 March 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX, Archives LyonIX, Archives SaintetIX, Archives ADN-IX

Les RUGs reprennent

Rezopole User group number 11, the RUG 11 – will take place on March, 15, 2013, from 9.00 AM, in Rezopole office in Lyon (7th district). The concept remains the same: a lunch and technical exchanges with the Rezopole Internet Exchange Point users (or in the process of interconnecting).


RUG Programm: from 9.00 AM to 11.00 AM

- vCMDB interface: a public demonstration of the website on how the Control Manager Database Peers operates.
- Current technical news
- Exchanges about the Spanning Tree Protocol and Backup interface

RUG 11 Registration

Je m'inscris au RUG n°11


For more information on the RUGs, please visit the RUG page.

L'Aperezo n°21 à Lyon - 14 Mars 2013

on Wednesday, 27 February 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

L'Aperezo n°21 à Lyon - 14 Mars 2013

Créé en 2000, Netissime est un hébergeur Internet et registrar accrédité par l'ICANN, l'AFNIC, l’EURID… Marque du Groupe ELB Multimedia, Netissime, pionier du Cloud en France, accompagne les professionnels et les particuliers dans leur développement sur Internet grâce à une gamme complète de services : enregistrement de noms de domaine, hébergement mutualisé, solution e-commerce, hébergement dédié (serveur dédié, serveur privé, hébergement en Datacenter, infogérance...) et promotion de sites Internet (référencement, affiliation...). Netissime est propriétaire de 3 datacenters dont un de plus de 2000 m2.

Le prochain Aperezo aura lieu le 14 Mars 2013, dans le Data Center ELB, à Villeurbanne, à partir de 18h00. Plusieurs visites organisés du datacenter et un cocktail dînatoire ont été prévus pour la soirée. Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant !

Inscription Aperezo n° 21

Je m'inscris à l'Aperezo 21

La participation aux Aperezo est réservée aux membres de l'association. Les informations et le formulaire d'adhésion sont disponibles ici.

A propos de ELB Nétissime

Créé en 2000, Netissime est un hébergeur Internet et registrar accrédité par l'ICANN, l'AFNIC, l’EURID… Marque du Groupe ELB Multimedia, Netissime, pionnier du Cloud en France, accompagne les professionnels et les particuliers dans leur développement sur Internet grâce à une gamme complète de services : enregistrement de noms de domaine, hébergement mutualisé, solution e-commerce, hébergement dédié (serveur dédié, serveur privé, hébergement en Datacenter, infogérance...) et promotion de sites Internet (référencement, affiliation...). Netissime est propriétaire de 3 datacenters dont un de plus de 2000 m2.

Les événements de Rezopole

Rezopole anime régulièrement des Aperezo - cocktails dinatoires - et des Teldej - des déjeuners d'affaires - en partenariat avec un sponsor qui a l'occasion de communiquer sur ses nouveautés à un public ciblé. Ces rencontres donnent également la possibilités aux participants d'échanger, de mieux se connaître et de créer des liens à long terme.


Pour en savoir plus sur les événements de Rezopole, visitez les pages Aperezo et Teldej.

SPIE Communications s'est interconnecté sur le noeud d'échange Internet de Lyon

on Tuesday, 26 February 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

In the framework of its regional activities development « Operated Services & Cloud », SPIE Communication recently connected its MPLS network to LyonIX 2B.

The Operated services manager for SPIE Communication on the Grand Est region, Romain Barrallon, commented that connection: "The acquisition, in July 2010, of the operator Veepee services has enabled us to complete our range of services on access voice / data and cloud operators bricks. Rhône-Alpes Several customers have already trusted us on the perimeter ..."


SPIE Communications

SPIE Communications aims at providing a comprehensive range of services (consulting, engineering and outsourcing operated services / cloud) on a technological scope in line with the current market challenges: Unified Communications & Collaboration, IP Infrastructure, Security, Data Center, intelligent building. SPIE Communications focuses its growth on the local service, insisting on responsiveness, technical reliability and maximum satisfaction for the end user. SPIE Communications 2011 turnover is € 384 million. Today, SPIE Communications has more than 50,000 customers in France, employs 3200 people across four directions of activities and five subsidiaries (VeePee, DCCS, Sertig, SPIE Infoservices and outsourcing services).

Rezopole organise son premier Aperezo à Grenoble

on Friday, 08 February 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX

Rezopole organise son premier Aperezo à Grenoble

The first Grenoble Aperezo will take place on February 20, 2013, at Quartier Gabriel in partnership with Lasotel. After inaugurating the Grenoble exchange point Internet, Rezopole begins organizing professionnal events for the IT sector in the Grenoble region. The Grenoble Aperezo  is the 20th of its kind organized by the association, whose main mission is the Internet and Telecom sector development in the Rhône-Alpes Region.


Aperezo n° 20 subscription

Participation in Aperezo is for members. Informations and form membeship are available here


Rezopole events

Rezopole regularly organises Aperezo, cocktails, and Teldej, business lunches, in partnership with a sponsor which can communicate on its news to a target public. These meetings also give members the opportunity  to exchange, better know and create long term relationships.

To learn more about Rezopole events, please visit Aperezo and Teldej pages.

Interconnexion Lyon - Turin - Reportage France 3

on Monday, 04 February 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives LyonIX

Interconnexion Lyon - Turin - Reportage France 3

France 3 a réalisé un reportage sur l'évolution de l'interconnexion des infrastructures Internet de Lyon et Turin : LyonIX et TopIX. Le Data Center Alliance Réseaux situé dans la Vallée de la Mauriènne, qui rejoint TopIX via une fibre optique traversant le tunnel du Frejus, sera également connecté aux réseaux de Chambery et Lyon. L'objectif est de créer de la valeur et aider les entreprises locales à bénéficier d'un réel Très Haut Débit.


Pour en savoir plus :

Rezopole a inauguré son infrastructure grenobloise

on Tuesday, 22 January 2013 Posted in Archives Rezopole, Archives GrenoblIX

Philippe Duby Rezopole President and Jean-Jack Queyranne, Rhône-Alpes Region President have inaugurated on January 21, 2013, GRENOBLIX, Grenoble Internet exchange point, in the presence of Michel Destot, Grenoble Mayor, MPP Isere, Marc Baietto,  Grenoble Alpes Métropole President and 150 players of the regional digital sectors.


Philippe Duby Rezopole President and Jean-Jack Queyranne, Rhône-Alpes Region President

Crédit Photo : Robin Weill

Samuel Triolet, Rezopole Director, moderated the conference on "interests and challenges to interconnect on a regional Internet exchange point" with the testimony of connected companies or in process of being connected'' on the Grenoble infrastructure:


 Photo : Christian Juillard

FaLang translation system by Faboba