Together, your Internet even better

Biographie Philippe Duby

PHILIPPE DUBY - Chairman of Rezopole


In Lyon in 1995, Philippe Duby founded, with Samuel Triolet and Michel Cerdini, Accès et Solutions Internet, one of the first Internet Service Providers in France. ASI was bought out in 1999 by Completel, and Philippe became the CEO of its "Internet Hosting" business, hosting and operating 24/7 among the very first e-commerce sites in France. Philippe then went on to make a career in NSEs, in the world of on-premise and Cloud systems & network infrastructure outsourcing.

In 2001 Philippe and Samuel founded LyonIX, which was renamed Rezopole in 2009. The ambition of this Internet eXchange Point (IXP) is to interconnect the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes networks with national and international networks. Since then, under Philippe's impetus, Rezopole has been contributing to the economic and digital development of the territories, placing itself de facto at the heart of the Telecom & Internet sector.








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