Together, your Internet even better

Save the date : Aperezo EuroGIX le 31 mars 2015

Rezopole and ARIA organize the first Aperezo event in Strasbourg on March 31st, 2015.This event gathers Internet and Telecom industries actors from Strasbourg and the Alsace Region. Come and meet regional IT sector professionals at our diner-cocktail. Register Now!



Register for the Aperezo EuroGIX n°1



About EuroGIX

EuroGIX is an Internet eXchange Point (IXP) and a market place (NAP) created by ARIA (Association des Réseaux Internet en Alsace - Association of the Internet Networks in Alsace) and Rezopole. To this day, the EuroGIX IXP/NAP brings together 6 ISP and operators in two racks.

EuroGIX promotes the development of the Very High Speed Internet network in Starsbourg and the Alsace Region, with the IXP -Internet eXchange Point- management and the set-up of IT services. By its very presence it gives a strong support for projects and events for the Internet field and for the area, and eases communication and exchange between the Internet actors (companies, communities, associations, etc.).

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